Escape From Rainbow Valley

(46 votes, average: 4.13 out of 5)

You were a researcher and you had been going to a lot of places setting up cameras. You wanted to capture some strange occurrences and have a proof of it. However, for the past few days, your camera just showed the usual natural events. So you planned to visit each location and check on your camera. Someone may have rigged it or it may just be experiencing some problems. The last location you went to was the valley. You placed your camera here to capture the blooming flowers. But the flowers seemed to have a weird time of blooming. Your camera couldn’t capture it unless there was enough light. On your way there, you experienced some light rain. You were hoping so hard that it wouldn’t turn into a heavy rain. You had nowhere to find shelter from it. It seemed like the sky was listening to you.

The light rain slowly disappeared and out came a rainbow. It was the most beautiful thing you had seen in your journey today. However, more and more rainbows appeared. You couldn’t take your eyes away from the rainbows. Then you slowly felt the rain starting again. Escape From Rainbow Valley is an outdoor escape game by WoW Escape.