Easter Egg Fantasy Rescue

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You were a member of the guardians of the forest where the Easter eggs were. You didn’t apply for the position. Instead, you inherited it from your parents. Not everyone was to guard the forest. There was a strict rule on who can be near the place. Numerous attacks were recorded in this area. Every year, there were creatures going after the eggs. And every year as well, you fought hard to keep them away. The eggs thrive in peace and no bad entity should be near them or they’d disappear before Easter. Things were going smoothly these past few years until a stranger joined your forces. You were greatly against him. But you superiors believed in his strength. He was strong all right. He was able to take the eggs by himself. You were hurt with with the battle. But betrayal hurt the most.

So you decided to return the eggs in their safe place no matter what. While the rest of the guardians planned for their actions, you already started your journey. You weren’t doing it to be the star. You just wanted to ensure the safety of the eggs as soon as possible. Play Easter Egg Fantasy Rescue outdoor escape game by WoW Escape.