Cute Sheep Rescue From Fox

(39 votes, average: 4.44 out of 5)

You find yourself in a farm after making your grandfather upset. He’s asking you to take care of his pets in his mansion. However, you find it boring to stay there for a week. Your grandfather just wants you to be away from all your gadgets for a few days and convene with nature. Since you don’t want to be somewhere near, he asks you to stay in a farm. Once your grandpa gives you a second option, you’ll have no other option left. When he gives you the first option, you should really think hard about it. The second one can be better, or be the worst. Then again, you have no way of knowing. And just like now, you’re in a farm which is far from the comfort of a mansion. But you have to do as told or you won’t hear the end from him.

You’re in a farm where the farmer is facing a problem. For so many days, the fox keeps on attacking the cute sheep. The farmer is so frustrated and so he gives you the responsibility of providing a solution. In exchange, he’ll say good words to your grandpa. Play Cute Sheep Rescue From Fox room escape game by Genie Fun Games.