Amusing Forest Escape

(39 votes, average: 4.21 out of 5)

You were so tired of the same old boring forest. And you wanted to explore something more exciting. The best place for you to search about such places was a blog. This blog contained such weird places that you sometimes question their existence. Then again, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to disprove any of the articles here unless you visited the places yourself. So you randomly chose a forest. Your eyes fell on a place called Amusing Forest. The name alone amused you and you couldn’t wait to see what else it had to offer. Just then, your friend called you. She asked if you had any plans for the weekend as she would like to invite you over for a little get together. You already prepared yourself for the trip to the forest and you had no plans of cancelling it.

Fortunately your friend understood. But she didn’t end the call without a warning. What she said freaked you out. However, you chose to put it somewhere where you won’t remember it so you could enjoy your time at the forest. Upon arriving, you already saw how different it was from other forests. Play Amusing Forest Escape outdoor escape game by Games 2 Rule.